Good Afternoon

Natalie Rose

Good Afternoon
Natalie Rose

One of the pleasures of doing this work is the people you get to meet. Natalie Rose is part of the Atlantic Center for the Arts (ACA) team, I had the honor of training in creative aging. Located in New Smyrna Beach, in Florida, ACA is a well known nonprofit interdisciplinary artists' community featuring community programming and residencies led by distinguished contemporary artists.

ACA was founded in in 1977 by Doris Leeper, an internationally known sculptor and painter and visionary environmentalist. Among the Master Artists who have led residencies are visual artist Robert Rauschenberg; jazz composer Cecil Taylor; choreographer Merce Cunningham, and poet Robert Creeley. 

Under the leadership of Nancy Lowden Norman, and Jim Frost, Co-Executive Directors, ACA is where much of the planning and development of the NCCA Creative Caregiving Guide© took place.

It is wonderful ACA is extending their work and vision to the creative aging field. Rose writes about the training experience, "I felt uplifted and transcended in our time together at Ocean View nursing home last week. Afterwards I went to the ocean to write and capture the experience into a poem." You can find out more about Roes's work on her meetup page: Yoga in Nature
